How it works

Magnifying glass icon

Search for a provider

Search for a provider and we’ll show you the details of our Members' Choice providers and Members' Choice hospitals.

Location pin icon

Select your location

Simply enter your address or location, and we’ll show the details of the closest providers. Want to see better matches? Just enter a more specific address.

Compass pointer icon

Find the best way

A map with directions will show the provider’s address and contact details, with suggestions on how best to get there, no matter how you travel.

Medical bag icon

What is OSHC Direct Billing

*A AHM OSHC direct billing provider has an agreement with AHM to send the bill directly to us.  This is to help reduce or eliminate the upfront payment you would normally be required to make at the time of your appointment. Depending on the Doctor you see, you may on occasion experience an 'out-of-pocket' expense which is not covered by AHM.  Please ensure you confirm any 'out-of-pocket' expenses you may have to pay prior to your consultation by contacting the direct billing clinic. Remember to take your AHM OSHC membership card and photo identification, such as your student ID card with you to your next appointment.


*Check the Australian Government’s myHospitals website for information on public and private hospitals.   

Information presented is refreshed monthly, with updates reflecting changes to provider details or circumstances.

AHM encourages providers to offer high quality products and services at competitive prices to members.However, where AHM recognises a GapCover provider, publishes them on their website or third party platforms, to the fullest extent allowed by law such reference should not be construed as:

  • an endorsement by AHM; or
  • commendation for the status of the provider’s registration with their registration bodies like the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA); or
  • an acknowledgment or representation by AHM as to fitness for purpose; or • a recommendation or warranty by AHM of, for or in relation to the provider’s products and/or services. Accordingly, AHM neither takes nor assumes any responsibility for the product and/or service provided Members should rely on their own enquiries and seek any assurance or warranties directly from the provider in relation to the service or product or with the registration bodies (e.g. AHPRA) regarding any conditions or restrictions to the provider’s registration.
  • Information presented is refreshed regularly. Information is accurate at time of printing.